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Sunday Services

Click the links below to access service sheets 


Current Liturgy

Liturgy for Trinity Sunday and the next five Sundays is in one document. There are clickable links in the document that will take you to the readings for the day (we can't reproduce them in the service sheet due to copyright reasons). We hope this helps you engage with worship more fully, but let us know if it doesn't work.

Holy Communion Services 7th July to 25th August 2024

Family Service of Holy Communion - St Paul's 7th July

Morning Worship - St Andrew's and St Mary's 7th July 2024


Previous Weeks


Holy Communion Service Sheet - from 26th May to 30th June

Morning Worship - St Peter's & St Paul's for 30th June


Morning Worship Service Sheet - from 26th May to 30th June

2nd June - All Age Holy Communion St Paul's

Morning Worship and Baptism Service Sheet for Phoebe at St Mary's, 26th May

Baptism of Ivy at St Chad's - May 26th 2024
19th May - Pentecost Holy Communion



12th May - Seventh Sunday of Easter/Sunday after the Ascension - Holy Communion

12th May - Seventh Sunday of Easter/Sunday after the Ascension - Morning Worship
5th May - Sixth Sunday of Easter Holy Communion

5th May - Sixth Sunday of Easter, All Age Communion (St Paul's)

28th April - Fifth Sunday of Easter, Holy Communion

21st April - Fourth Sunday of Easter, Holy Communion

14th April - Third Sunday of Easter Holy Communion   

14th April - St Paul's All Age Holy Communion

7th April - Second Sunday of Easter Holy Communion

7th April - Second Sunday of Easter Morning Worship

Easter Sunday Service of Holy Communion



24th March - Palm Sunday, Holy Communion

24th March - Palm Sunday, Morning Worship at St Andrew's

24th March - Palm Sunday, Morning Worship at St Paul's
17th March - Fifth Sunday of Lent, Holy Communion
10th March - Mothering Sunday - St Andrew's

10th March - Mothering Sunday - St Paul's

10th March - Mothering Sunday - Holy Communion (St Chad, St Mary, St Peter, St John)

3rd March 2024 - Third Sunday of Lent, Holy Communion

3rd March 2024 - All Age Service St Paul's Blackley

25th February 2024 - Second Sunday of Lent Holy Communion 

18th February 2024 - First Sunday of Lent Holy Communion

18th February 2024 - First Sunday of Lent, Morning Worship (St Paul's)

18th February 2024 - First Sunday of Lent, Service of the Word (St Andrew's) 


Ordinary Time before Lent

11th February 2024 - Sunday before Lent, Holy Communion

4th February 2024 - Second Sunday before Lent Holy Communion

4th February 2024 - Family Service Holy Communion

Epiphany Season

8th January Holy Communion - The Presentation of Christ in the Temple/Candlemas

21st January Morning Worship - Third Sunday after the Epiphany

21st January Holy Communion - Third Sunday after the Epiphany

14th January Holy Communion - Second Sunday after the Epiphany